At the momentous 78th General Assembly, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Beresford-Hill and the Deputy Permanent Observer McGuire hosted the Grand Chancellor H.E. Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo and the Secretary General for Foreign Affairs H.E. Giampaolo Cantini. Through the work of this delegation, we are honoured to announce the opening of bilateral diplomatic relations with the Republic of The Gambia. The Protocol signed by The Gambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Mamadou Tangara, acknowledges the desire and mutual interest to develop relations of friendship and cooperation.
The achievement and opportunity follows the recent Declaration of Intent signed in Rome in the Magistral Palace on 23rd August, 2023. This diplomatic relationship represents a concrete commitment to develop medical and social projects in The Gambia. The framework established in New York will enable the Order of Malta to combat infectious diseases, poverty, and malnutrition, tackling the consequences of drought and water pollution.
The diplomacy of the Permanent Mission to the UN in New York bolsters the Order’s ability to deliver health and dignity around the globe. Vitally, it has expanded our foothold in West Africa, allowing the Order to reach a population increasingly vulnerable to the symptoms of climate change. After establishing relations with The Gambia, the Sovereign Order of Malta now has diplomatic ties with 113 states, including 37 African nations, underscoring its dedication to improving the health and well-being of afflicted populations.