Today the Sovereign Order of Malta Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations in New York was represented during an international video conference on ‘The Role of Youth in Tackling Poverty and Hunger at Local, Regional and International Levels’. The event, sponsored by the Permanent Representatives of Portugal and the European Union, was broadcast throughout the world this morning. Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the United Nations in New York, Paul Beresford–Hill, stated that ” I am delighted that among the 6 Youth Delegates chosen to address the conference, representing over 100 nations, Mr. Daniel del Valle Blanco, our Youth Advisor at the Permanent Observer Mission to the UN in New York, was selected and did an excellent job representing the voice of youth in the Order of Malta. I am delighted to attach, with this message, a link to the conference which will take you directly to Mr. del Valle Blanco’s presentation which, I hope, you will enjoy.”