

Counsellor Mrs. Marissa del Rosario Blackett Delivers Statement on ‘Saving Lives: Addressing the Urgent Food Security Needs of Haiti’

On June 16, 2023, Counsellor Mrs. Marissa del Rosario Blackett Delivers Statement on 'Saving Lives: Addressing the Urgent Food Security Needs of Haiti' in the United Nations Trusteeship Chamber. 


Dr. Michael Espiritu, KM, Statement on “Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment of HIV/AIDS”

Dr. Michael Espiritu, KM, Statement on "Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment of HIV/AIDS"


H.E. Ambassador Beresford-Hill delivers a Statement at the High-Level Meeting on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

Recently, His Excellency, Ambassador Dr. Paul Beresford-Hill delivered his statement at the high-level meeting on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.


Counsellor Fra’ Nicola Tegoni delivering a statement during the “Informal Consultation on the Universal Health Coverage Political Declaration”

Counsellor Fra' Nicola Tegoni delivered a speech during the "Informal Consultation on the Political Declaration for the high-level meeting on Universal Health overage" in the Trusteeship Council Chamber, at the UNHQ.