On Thursday, October 5th, Mr. Zachary N. Muñoz, Advisor, delivered a statement to the Third Committee concerning the rights of children in difficult circumstances.
In his statement, he suggested that “tyrants and bullies of today, who perpetuate violent conflicts in the world, were once young boys and girls, and may we consider for a moment, that possibly parental absence, particularly that of a father-figure, contributed to poorly formed consciences, and stimulated anti-social behaviors.”
The impetus of this intervention was rooted in Pope Francis’s words, stating that “families are the first place where the values of love and fraternity, togetherness and sharing, concern and care for others are lived out and handed on.” (Fratelli Tutti, ¶114)
Appealing to governments to support the fosterment of familial love, especially the value and dignity of fatherhood, rather than replacing fathers with government programs, Mr. Muñoz conveyed that the Order of Malta, already aware of the devastating effects of fatherlessness, is striving to “support displaced children facing unimaginable challenges” in the world.