
Exploring Catholic Solutions to Human Trafficking: Special Advisor Deborah O’Hara Rusckowski gave a presentation at the Napa Institute’s 2023 Summer Conference

Exploring Catholic Solutions to Human Trafficking: Special Advisor Deborah O’Hara Rusckowski gave a presentation at the Napa Institute’s 2023 Summer Conference

The Napa Institute’s 13th annual summer conference, held at The Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa, California, from July 26th to 30th, brought together notable Catholic speakers, dignitaries, and spiritual leaders to discuss a range of pressing issues. Deborah O’Hara Rusckowski, a member of the Order of Malta delegation to the United Nations  and special advisor to the ambassador on human trafficking, gave a presentation to discuss possible Catholic solutions to human trafficking. Bishop Cotta from Stockton, CA, and Bishop Barber from Oakland, CA, attended the event.

The Napa Institute’s annual summer conference is renowned for hosting distinguished Catholic speakers, fostering rich conversations, and providing a space for spiritual growth and reflection. The 2023 conference, with its theme of “recovering the presence of Jesus Christ” in our daily lives, drew attention to the role of faith in personal discipleship, the life of the Church, and broader cultural matters. The gathering facilitated opportunities for daily Mass, personal prayer, confession, and spiritual direction, offering attendees a holistic experience that nurtures both the mind and the soul.