
Dr. Michael Espiritu delivered a statement on the Sale and Exploitation of Children at the Third Committee

Dr. Michael Espiritu delivered a statement on the Sale and Exploitation of Children at the Third Committee

On October 5th, Dr. Michael Espiritu delivered a statement addressing the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography, and other sexual abuse material. This vital intervention emphasized the collective responsibility of the international community to ensure that every child has the right to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment, free from the horrors of exploitation and abuse.

Dr. Espiritu diligently illuminated Human Trafficking as a central protagonist behind child exploitation, as it fuels the heinous demand for child prostitution and pornography. He illustrated how this illicit global trade is responsible for unspeakable horrors and afflicts millions of children both physically and mentally.

The statement stressed two key elements to combating the exploitation of children: firstly, enhancing international cooperation surrounding law enforcement, and secondly, prioritizing the identification and rescue of victims, to ensure that they receive the support and care they need to rebuild their lives.

Dr. Espiritu highlighted the encouragement provided by the Sovereign Order of Malta through our partnership with Global Strategic Operatives (GSO), a non-profit fighting against human trafficking. In September 2022, GSO hosted a crucial event, “Human Trafficking Policy and Protocol for Global Healthcare providers,” at the United Nations. This initiative represents a significant step forward in our battle against human trafficking.

Dr. Espiritu concluded by reaffirming our support for initiatives such as the ‘O’Connell Safehouse’ recently inaugurated by Global Strategic Operatives, along with other Catholic programs and organizations such as the Santa Marta Group and the Arise Foundation.