Ambassador Peter McGuire, Deputy Permanent Observer, addressed the Third Committee, emphasizing the promotion of migrant workers’ rights. He focused on the importance of fair recruitment, decent working conditions, and access to healthcare and education. He asserted that guaranteeing these rights for migrant workers and their families would stimulate global growth and prosperity, given the significant contribution of migrant labor to worldwide development and growing economies.
Ambassador McGuire drew upon the extensive experience of the Sovereign Order of Malta in assisting migrants, illustrating how promoting their rights can cultivate inclusivity and development by enhancing the skills of a significant global population. He referenced our work in facilitating the integration and acceptance of migrants into host communities, highlighting that a central aspect of the comprehensive services we offer involves assisting migrants in adjusting to their new communities through language courses, job training, and educational enrichment. He explained how these services are vital for the physical and mental well-being of migrants and that they also help prevent exploitative practices.
Ambassador McGuire summarized our position by illustrating how we provide legal assistance and advocacy for migrants, as representation is vital to combat the exploitation and vulnerability they face. He concluded that these protections are essential in upholding the rights established in the Universal Declaration and the UN Charter, and closed his statement using the words of Pope John XXIII, who stated “the fact that someone is a citizen of a particular state does not deprive him or her of membership in the human family, nor of citizenship in that universal society, the common, world-wide fellowship of men.